Hello, enjoy the showcase of my work ✦

× Staff Product Designer
× Coursera
× Based in San Francisco, California

2020 - Now Coursera
2018 - 2020 Eventbrite
2015 - 2018 Adyen
2013 - 2015 eyeCam
2014 - 2014 Ventyx, ABB
2012 - 2014 Minted


Growth is at the center of everything I do.

It's the groundwork for how I continue to progress as a person and a designer. The best outcome is leveraging your super skills to achieve results for businesses and customers.

I believe that the quality of any project is always at its best when it helps customers grow and become their best self.

×  Learn something new > apply it > grow > repeat


Selected professional projects


Eventbrite App Marketplace, where event creator maximize success.

Event creators have a variety of workflows that include utilizing different tools like email marketing with Mailchimp and cross-platform marketing with ToneDen. Check out how I approached a redesign with the customers in mind.


Coursera learner onboarding + personalization + MMR

I can share more about this project in closed settings.


Coursera discovery reimagined

I can share more about this project in closed settings.


Adyen SDK, a fresh coat of paint with a primer of UX innovation.

Remember when scanning the back of credit cards were sketchy and we didn't trust it? To innovate, you have to be an industry expert, know the direction in your space and grow. Here's how I challenged myself.


Eventbrite Platform, a dedicated space for external developers.

Developers of all types use Eventbrite's APIs, references, and developer tools to create apps, websites, and features. Did you know they also love documentation and a sandbox to play around with the code?


Facebook ticketing, a marketing tool for those that like $$$. 

Event creators need a way to reach more people. Funny enough, most of them use Facebook, but never tried letting customers buy tickets on Facebook. Imagine the opportunity when you get more eyes on your events.


Tesla Tokenization, how we got Tesla to use Adyen, globally.

Omnichannel payments solutions, 3D-secure and global expansion sound like buzzwords because they are. If I had 11 seconds on an elevator ride to explain it to you, would I be able to? Short answer is nope, so I took on the task to understand and simplify, so anyone can understand.


Adyen Webshop, a demo site for the internal sales team.

Prospects of Adyen were asking "Can you tell me how Adyen is different than the payments processors I use today?" I created a demo that lets people understand when API calls are made in real-time while a customer is on their site shopping and what happens during the payments checkout flow. 


Log in with Facebook, the 'design a button'...but for millions.

A button that powered over 1.5M log-ins and sign-ups in 3 months. I thought it was just another option for customers to use their Facebook to access Eventbrite, but little did I know it would unravel into a UX beach clean-up.

Selected personal projects

Deadstock - NFT market

A collection of sneakers I created and turned into a set of NFTs on Opensea.

× Autodesk Maya
× Blender
× I sold 1!

Kairos - photography

(noun) a propitious moment for decision or action. A collection of photographs I took while having in-depth conversations beneath the surface layers of tech. 

× Film photography 35mm


Naisu clothing - streetwear brand

I created an apparel brand stemmed from the influence of being authentic to oneself, inspired by doing what you love. Using Shopify as the platform to host the website and transactions, I built a community of people with shared interests while learning how to manage a company.

× Entrepreneurship
× $10,000+ revenue made in 6 months
× +increased social media marketing strategy

mattchudesign © 2024
